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Search Results for: Pascha (Easter)
95 results found

The angel cried out
Op. 22, No. 18
Hymn to the Mother of God at Paschaltide
S(div)A(div)T(div)B(div) and Soprano Solo
PJu #33307 n.d.
First printed edition
Zadostoiniki na Gospodnie i Bogorodichnye prazdniki
[No. 7.] Angel vopiiashe Blagodatnei (No. 2)
The Angel cried
N. O. N.
Hymn to the Mother of God at Paschaltide
S(div)AT(div)B(div) and T Solo
Unpublished in composer’s lifetime.
First published in vol.: P. Chesnokov, Dukhovnye proizvedeniia dlia shmeshannogo khora A Cappella, Vyp. IV, Sem’ pesnopenii iz tetradi «Moi neizdannye sochineniia» , Moscow, Zhivonosnyi istochnik, 2007.
Sem’ pesnopenii iz tetradi “Moi neizdannye sochineniia”
The angel cried out
Common [Russian Greek] Chant
Hymn to the Mother of God at Paschaltide
First printed edition
In vol.: Sbornik dukhovno-muzykal'nykh pesnopenii. Sochineniia i perelozheniia raznykh avtorov v aranzhirovke i redaktsii E. St. Azeeva, P. Kireev 1914, 244 pp. Not found.
The angel cried out
Valaam Monastery Chant
Hymn to the Mother of God at Paschaltide
First printed edition
In vol.: Sbornik dukhovno-muzykal'nykh pesnopenii. Sochineniia i perelozheniia raznykh avtorov v aranzhirovke i redaktsii E. St. Azeeva, P. Kireev 1914, 244 pp. Not found.