Orthodox Sacred Music Reference Library

Board of Directors

Dr. Vladimir Morosan, President, is one of the leading experts outside Russia in the field of Orthodox liturgical music. He is Founder and President of Musica Russica, a publishing company specializing in the publication and dissemination of Orthodox choral music throughout the Western world. As founder and Artistic Director of Archangel Voices, a professional-level choral ensemble, he has recorded six CDs of Orthodox liturgical music in English; he is also the composer and editor of numerous choral arrangements. He has coached numerous professional choirs, including two Grammy-Award-winning choirs performing Russian Orthodox music. He serves as consultant to the Music Department of the Orthodox Church in America. A tonsured reader in the Orthodox Church, he currently serves as Director of Liturgical Singing at St. Katherine Orthodox Mission in Carlsbad, California.

Dr. Julia Klimova, Vice-President, earned her Ph. D. in Anthropology with a dissertation on the topic "Russian Spiritual Soil and the Retrieval of Orthodox Christian Identity among post-Soviet Immigrants to the US." She is currently on the faculty of University of California, San Diego in the Department of Anthropology.

Father Andrew Cuneo, Ph. D., Treasurer,  is an Orthodox priest, and a scholar of English literature, specializing in C. S. Lewis. He earned his B. A. from Stanford University and his M. Phil, and D. Phil. From Oxford University in England. After spending several years as a professor of English Literature, he completed his theological training at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, and now serves as Rector of St. Katherine Orthodox Mission in Carlsbad, California.

Elena Chernova, Board Member, is a doctoral candidate in Musicology at the Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg, Germany, under Christoph Flamm. A graduate of the Volgograd Conservatory, Russia (music theory), she earned a Master of Arts in Historical Musicology at the University of Regensburg, Bavaria. She is currently an independent cataloguer of the Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM, the largest organization operating globally with the aim of comprehensively documenting extant historical sources of music all over the world), where she is responsible for Old Russian polyphonic sources.
Her research interests focus on historically informed analytical methods, palaeography and notation of Russian neumatic polyphony, 17th century music theory, composition techniques of late Romanticism, and the limits of tonality.
As part of her dissertation project, "The All-Night Vigil in early Russian polyphony," a comprehensively commented facsimile edition with transcriptions of project-relevant works is being prepared for publication.

Board of Advisors:

Richard Barrett (Boston)) — Founder and Artistic Director, St. John of Damascus Society, a sacred arts organization that seeks to promote excellence in the liturgical music of the Orthodox Christian Church

Oleg Bychkov (Moscow) — Founder of “Zhivonosnïy Istochnik” publishing house for Orthodox liturgical music in Russia

Protodeacon Ioann Drobot (Paris) — Protodeacon at St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Paris; liturgical composer, scholar and collector of Orthodox church music

Vladimir Gorbik (Moscow) — Professor of Choral Conducting at the Moscow State Conservatory; Music Director of the Capital Symphony Orchestra; Head Choirmaster of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God Church

Paul Jabara (Montreal)— Former Chairman of Sacred Music Department of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America

Dr. Peter Jermihov (Chicago) — Russian-American choral and orchestral conductor; Founder and Artistic Director of the Society of St. Romanos the Melodist; Music Director of the PaTRAM Institute Singers

Elizabeth Ledkovsky (New York) — Chairperson of the Eastern American Diocesan Music Commission (ROCOR), granddaughter of eminent Russian Orthodox liturgical composer and choirmaster, Boris Ledkovsky

Dr. Alexander Lingas (London) — Founder and Artistic Director of Cappella Romana (Portland, Oregon), Reader in Music, City, University of London

Katherine Lukianov (Highland Beach, Florida) — Co-Founder of the Patriarch Tikhon Russian-American Music Institute (PaTRAM)

Fr. Ivan Moody (+2024) — British Orthodox composer and conductor; Chairman of the International Society for Orthodox Church Music; writer and scholar of Orthodox liturgical music

Dr. Marina Rakhmanova (+2022) — Senior Scholar of the State Institute for the Study of the Arts, Moscow; editor-in-chief of the series Russian Sacred Music in Documents and Materials

Dr. Kurt Sander (Cincinnati) — American Orthodox composer; Professor of Music Theory and Composition, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, Kentucky

Dr. Nicolas Schidlovsky (Princeton) — Dean and Professor of Sacred Music, Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, Jordanville, NY; Russian-American scholar of Russian Orthodox liturgical chant; Co-Founder of the Russian Orthodox Church Musicians’ Conference (ROCOR)

Benedict Sheehan (Pennsylvania) — American Orthodox composer and conductor; Director of Music at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary and Monastery; Founder and Artistic Director of the Choir of St. Tikhon’s Monastery