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Liturgical Category: Great and Holy Saturday
73 results found

No. 11 - [Zadostoinik] V Velikuiu Subbotu
Hymn to the Mother of God for Holy Saturday
Op. 22, No. 11
Znamenny Chant
First printed edition
Zadostoiniki na Gospodnie i Bogorodichnye prazdniki
He Who shut in the depths
Op.37, No. 6
Kontakion of Great and Holy Saturday
S(div) A(div)T(div)B(div)
Not published in composer's lifetime
Pesnopeniia Velikogo posta, Strastnoi sedmitsy i Paskhi
The noble Joseph
Op.37, No. 8
Troparion at Vespers of Great and Matins of Great and Holy and Saturday
S(div) A(div)T(div)B(div)
Not published in composer's lifetime
Dedication: To the blessed memory of V. S. Orlov
Pesnopeniia Velikogo posta, Strastnoi sedmitsy i Paskhi