Orthodox Sacred Music Reference Library

Liturgical Category: Sundays of Lent

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Metallov, Archpriest Vasily

No. 16 Pokaianiia otverzi mi dveri

Open unto me the doors of repentance

Znamenny Chant

Penitential stichera at Matins


PJu #17276 17384

First printed edition.



Vedel, Artemy

Pokaianiia otverzi mi dveri

Open unto me the doors of repentance

TTB Trio

No. 1 in vol.: Izbrannye dukhovno-muzykal'nye sochineniia A. L. Vedelia, Vol. II, ed. by V. Petrushevsky, suppl. to Rukovodstvo dlia sel'skikh pastyrei, Kiev: 1911

Printed edition

Also ed. by M. Lisitsyn, TTB or SSB Trio, P. 1450 S. 1904; defective original

