Posobivyi, Gospodi, krotkomu Davidu

Degtiaryov, Stepan

Posobivyi, Gospodi, krotkomu Davidu

Lord, Thou hast helped the humble David

Sacred concerto

Sticheron for the Sunday of the Cross

In vol. Degtiarev S. A. Dvenadtsat' dukhovnykh kontsertov: dlia khora bez soprovozhd. / Foreword by. A. V. Lebedeva-Emelina. Commentary and scholarly reconstruction of the concertos by A. V. Lebedeva-Emelina (No. 1–8), N. I. Teterina (No. 9–12). M.: Zhivonosnyi Istochnik, 2006. p. 130–140.
