Istoki i posledstviia. Vizantiiskoe nasledie na Rusi. Sbornik statei k 70–letiiu chlena–korrespondenta RAN I. P. Medvedeva

Aksent'ev, S. S., ed.

Zalesskaia, V. N., Lurie, V. M., Marshak, B. I., Medvedev, I. P., Nazarenko, A. V., Pak, N. V., Slutsky, A. S., Khrushkova, L. G., Cherniak, A. B.

Istoki i posledstviia. Vizantiiskoe nasledie na Rusi. Sbornik statei k 70–letiiu chlena–korrespondenta RAN I. P. Medvedeva

Sources and Consequences. The Byzantine Legacy in Rus'. A collection of Essays for the 70th birthday of I. P. Medvedev, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Vizantinorossika 3 (1997): Liturgy and Hymnology in Old Rus’

Conference proceеdings


Publications of the St. Petersburg Society for Byzantine and Slavic Studies


ххх + 264 pp.

St Petersburg: Vizantinorossika, 2005

Byzantium; Byzantine influence in Rus'

ISSN 1817-7700 (print); ISSN 1817-7719 (online)