Aksent'ev, S. S., ed.
Zalesskaia, V. N., Lurie, V. M., Marshak, B. I., Medvedev, I. P., Nazarenko, A. V., Pak, N. V., Slutsky, A. S., Khrushkova, L. G., Cherniak, A. B.
Istoki i posledstviia. Vizantiiskoe nasledie na Rusi. Sbornik statei k 70–letiiu chlena–korrespondenta RAN I. P. Medvedeva
Sources and Consequences. The Byzantine Legacy in Rus'. A collection of Essays for the 70th birthday of I. P. Medvedev, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Vizantinorossika 3 (1997): Liturgy and Hymnology in Old Rus’
Conference proceеdings
Publications of the St. Petersburg Society for Byzantine and Slavic Studies
ххх + 264 pp.
St Petersburg: Vizantinorossika, 2005
Byzantium; Byzantine influence in Rus'
ISSN 1817-7700 (print); ISSN 1817-7719 (online)