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Search Results for: Single Gender Chorus
189 results found
Glasom moim ko Gospodu vozzvakh
I cry with my voice to the Lord
S. Op. 35a
Sacred concerto
Ps. 141[142]:1, 2, 6; 12[13]:4
Arr. for SSAA or TTBB by the composer
Not found
Not found

The Main Hymns of Divine Liturgy, the Prayer Service, the Memorial Service, and the All-Night Vigil, arranged for a choir of men's voices by S. V. Smolenskii. Volume 1. Hymns of the Divine Liturgy
St. Petersburg: Prilozhenie k zhurnalu "TSerkovnyie vedomosti, izdavaemyie pri Sviateishem Sinode", 1893
First printed edition

The Main Hymns of Divine Liturgy, the Prayer Service, the Memorial Service, and the All-Night Vigil, arranged for a choir of men's voices by S. V. Smolenskii. Volume II. The Order of the Prayer Service of Thanksgiving and the Memorial Service
St. Petersburg: Prilozhenie k zhurnalu "TSerkovnyie vedomosti, izdavaemyie pri Sviateishem Sinode", 1893
First printed edition

The Main Hymns of Divine Liturgy, the Prayer Service, the Memorial Service, and the All-Night Vigil, arranged for a choir of men's voices by S. V. Smolenskii. Volume III. Hymns of the All-Night Vigil
St. Petersburg: Prilozhenie k zhurnalu "TSerkovnyie vedomosti, izdavaemyie pri Sviateishem Sinode", 1893
First printed edition
No. 12 - Gospodi, spasi... i Trisviatoe
O Lord, save... Trisagion
See Az 047 above
First printed edition
In vol.: Sbornik dukhovno-muzykal'nykh pesnopenii. Sochineniia i perelozheniia raznykh avtorov v aranzhirovke i redaktsii E. St. Azeeva, No. 8, dlia muzhskogo khora, P. Kireev 1914, 244 pp. Not found.
Hear my prayer, O Lord
S. Op. 27a
Sacred concerto
Ps. 101[102]:1-2
Arr. for SSAA or TTBB by the composer.
G. Shmidt #A.27 1894
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Not found