Lomakin, Gavriil

LOMAKIN, Gavriil Yakimovich (Ioakimovich) (b. 25 March [6 April] 1812, suburb of Borisovka, today the Borisovsky region of the Belgorod district; d. 9 [21] May 1885, Gatchina) — born into a family of a serf; from childhood sang in the choir of Count D. N. Sheremetev, where he received his musical training from Antonio Sapienza; in 1830 became conductor of this choir and received his freedom. From 1848 to 1861 served as teacher of singing in the Imperial Court Chapel, at the School of Law, at the Theatrical School; collaborated with A. F. Lvov on the harmonization of the Obikhod [Common book] of 1848. In 1862-1867 conducted the choir of the Free Musical School, founded by him and Miliy Balakirev; continued his work with the Sheremetev Choir to the end of his life. Possessing a high degree of talent as a conductor, Lomakin raised the performance level of the Sheremetev Choir to a very high level and became one of the first interpreters in Russia of the works of the great Western masters of the Renaissance and Baroque. Lomakin wrote 65 individual sacred works, a Liturgy in common chant, and an All-Night Vigil in znamenny chant (all published privately not long before his death), and also a number of secular choruses and folk song arrangements. Many of his sacred works manifest the influence of Western polyphony, to which he devoted much attention as a performer.